Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Top 7 Hair Growth Exercises You Should Perform

by strgz

Hair loss can be the most devastating thing that could happen to you. Are you worried about your hair falling all over the place? This can be frightening and should not be ignored. This is what you should do if you are going through this. We have the best hair growth tips for you.

The culprits for hair fall are ever-increasing levels of pollution, chemical-laden products and unhealthy lifestyles.

The best anti hair fall shampoo is the best way to prevent hair loss and hair fall. Continue reading to learn about effective exercises for increasing hair growth.

7 Best Hair Growth Exercises You Should Do

Our mind, body, and skin are all interconnected. Healthy skin and hair is a result of a healthy body. Many times, hair and skin problems are caused by certain diseases.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are key to hair growth. Let’s now learn how we can grow our hair faster through hair growth exercises.

1. Scalp Massage

If the scalp resists taking in healthy nutrients, even the best hair products won’t work. Scalp massage is essential to keep your hair healthy.

It improves blood circulation and hair growth. You can also massage your scalp with hot oil. It removes dandruff and inflammation, as well as providing essential nutrients for the hair.

Argan oil for hair is a great choice to get amazing benefits from scalp massage. Argan oil is a wonderful choice if you aren’t already a fan. We recommend that you check out the amazing benefits argan oil has for hair and become one.

You must have tried scalp massage several times, but not in the same way that I have. The results are amazing.

What to Do:

  1. Argan oil can be heated.
  2. Allow it to cool down, then dip a cottonball in it and apply it to the hair partition.
  3. Apply hot argan oil to a small amount of your scalp and massage it with pressure.
  4. It should take between 10 and 15 minutes.
  5. If you wash your hair at night, it should be washed after two hours. The oil will help your hair grow.

2. Neck Exercise

A lack of blood supply to the neck can cause hair loss. You can release tension in your neck and increase blood flow to the neck and scalp by moving it.

This is a simple exercise that can be done at any time. Follow these steps to get started with neck exercises for hair growth.

What to Do:

  1. Steer straight.
  2. Relax your hands.
  3. For 10-20 seconds, stand straight and bend your neck forward. Next, bend your neck forward.
  4. For 10-20 seconds, relax and move your head to the side.
  5. It can be done every day.

3. Nail Rubbing Exercise

It seems that nail exercise for hair growth is a non-effective and erroneous method. I was the same until I came to terms with the idea of ancient acupressure techniques.

Certain acupressure points under our nails have a connection to hair growth hormones and hair follicles. Rub your nails to stimulate blood circulation and antioxidant production. Vitalize hair growth hormone function.

This is a simple technique that will help you grow your hair.

What to Do:

If you are alone and have nothing to do, sit down. For 5-10 minutes, rub your fingers together.

5. Brushing your hair

It is an important task and everyone must do it correctly. If you do it correctly, the benefits to combing your hair will be staggering.

This is how to brush your hair daily for hair growth.

What to Do:

  1. From the middle to the ends, comb your hair.
  2. Hair serum for oily hair that easily untangles hair and doesn’t make it greasy.
  3. After your hair is completely combed, apply gentle pressure to the scalp.
  4. It is a good idea to do it every day for at least 2 minutes.

6. Jogging


Running and running are easy exercises that anyone can do. Running is not only great for your brain and body, but it also helps improve hair quality and stimulate growth.

These exercises can be done in open areas to help open pores, increase blood circulation, and deliver optimal oxygen to the scalp.

You can also start your day with a walk if running or jogging is too intense. It’s simple, easy, and relaxing. We are convinced that the morning walk has amazing health benefits.

7. Sirsasana (Headstand)


If you want to cut down on time and reap the incredible benefits for your hair and health, Sirsasana is for you. Sirsasana, the best yoga exercise for hair growth, can be done at home.

This helps to bring optimal blood to the head, which provides vital nutrients and nourishment to the hair and scalp. As you practice headstand daily, your hair follicles will grow stronger and your hair will become thicker. It is also great for indigestion and unhealthy fat.

Let’s find out how to do sirsasana to promote hair growth.

What to Do:

  1. Begin by doing it against a wall. As you become more comfortable, move on to it without the wall.
  2. Place your yoga mat close to the wall.
  3. Place your knees on the wall and sit down. Next, place your hands on the ground.
  4. You can hold this position for up to 60 seconds. If you are comfortable, increase the time.

Conclusion: It is important to take good care of our hair. Don’t forget to maintain healthy blood circulation for optimal absorption and growth of vital nutrients. Take the tips and tricks I’ve shared to help you grow stronger, thicker and healthier hair.

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